Posted by Ron in Indiana [] on Monday, June 10, 2013 at 23:02:39 :
In Reply to: Just so you all dont think I am the only crazy one. posted by Tim Holloway [] on Monday, June 10, 2013 at 22:52:08 :
I tried to talk Spooner into coming to his senses before he agreed to this trip. But he found out that we're close to I-80 so he'll want you to swing down to get Pam's potato salad. She just needs to know when you'll be coming this way. As far as Bob goes I also told him to get something in writing to cover his chiropractic treatments along the way. From the pictures I saw that truck looks great. I hauled that up to him from Fleabags so an up close and personal now would be great. If you don't make it here have a safe fun trip.