Posted by junkyardog [] on Friday, May 31, 2013 at 16:12:11 :
In Reply to: Off topic/warranty rant posted by Jerry in Idaho [] on Friday, May 31, 2013 at 14:26:54 :
i built a new log home. long story short. when it was done it was not up to code.took the guy to arbertration with the guy who fixed it and a letter from the building inspector AND STILL GOT NOTHING.the ony good part was the log home manufacture who recomended him --fired him..they were so disapointed in his work.they cme out to see my house from new york city. it cost an extra 40,000 minimum to get it up to code and the mistakes fixed. he built a log home for a retired man and woman up by me a ways and there house was condemed until all the roof rafters were fixed.and he is building again with a nother log home company. my house was sold after 8 months because i couldnt bare to live there any more. that is the truth it still pisses me off to think about it. thats trust for ya. im glad i dont drink