PW Fact,,,,,,.......or Fiction

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Posted by Mark S. on Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 7:43PM :

Recently on the Historys channel "Historys Mysterys", we marveled in awe at the accomplishments of the Incas, the Aztecs, the Egyptians and even the Chinese on how they were able to build such monumental legacys such as the pyramids out of rocks weighing tons in almost impossible places such as high into the mountains etc.
Theorys abound as to how they could have done it, the most believed theory is that they used thousands and thousands of slaves to move these heavy rocks as it would require thousans to move just one stone a few feet.
My theory is that they used a large fleet of WM300 and W-500 Power Wagons!!! All were equipped with winches, (front and rear), and many had gin poles attached for stone placement!!!
Also my theory is that this fleet is still buried out there under the drifting sands of the desert!!!
What we need now is some brave exploration team(s) to get out there and find this fleet --- anyone interested???

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