NP203 Shift Problems

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Posted by Brian on Friday, May 18, 2001 at 11:47AM :

I'm new to powerwagons, so you'll have to bear with me. I picked up a rust free one owner 79 powerwagon which is all stock down to the org. build sheet that the prev owner still had. My problem is that I seem to only be able to engage hi lock and low lock but not just in lo or hi to run off the xsmn ratios for regular road driving. I seen the two shift shafts at the case and now know one is for lock and one isn't;however, is there a trick to making one shift and not the other? I'm not sure if the shifter inside only goes straigt fwd and back or does it have to be pushed on in a different way when moving it back and forth? I'm afraid of it being the transfer case itself. If anyone can shed any light on this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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