Posted by Joe Cimoch [] on Sunday, May 19, 2013 at 19:27:55 :
Sherman, I used your one man brake bleeding technique to bleed my brakes today. Vinyl hose from the bleeder to the master cylinder - worked great.
I wasn't sure what the rubber hose did, so I just used the vinyl tubing right on the bleeder. Thanks.
"My brake bleeding method is to get a short piece of 1/4" rubber vacuum or fuel hose, 20' of 1/4" clear vinyl tubing, open the wheel cylinder bleed vale a bit, use the rubber hose to connect the vinyl tubing to the bleed screw, stick the other end into the MC reservoir, and start pumping the pedal slowly. Watch the reservoir and top it off with brake fluid when it gets low. The advantage of this is it only takes one person, the equipment is cheap, and you can pump and pump until you get every last bit of air out, which is easy to see on account of the clear tube. I've never tried a power bleeder. It's probably a nice thing for a commercial shop to have, but the one-man clear hose method has always worked fine for me and is cheap and simple and doesn't require cobbling together some sort of adapter."
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