Posted by Chris Case [] on Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 09:06:18 :
In Reply to: Disappointed posted by Clint Dixon [] on Friday, May 10, 2013 at 20:50:59 :
Cast iron is quite corrosion resistant in comparison to steel. And hmmmm.... I wonder if the 'aluminum' ones aren't actually a zinc alloy?
The anodized ones seem to hold up well, until the anodization is worn away.
Some disc pistons are bakelite, I wonder why nobody made drum pistons out of plastic?
Other disc pistons are chrome plated. And some rare old drum pistons were brass. And there is probably a more corrosion resistant aluminum, to use in making billet pistons, better than the cheapo cast stuff.
I guess I'm glad we can get new cylinders, rather than having to sleeve old ones and turn new pistons.
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