Posted by Jonas [] on Wednesday, May 08, 2013 at 13:04:09 :
In Reply to: Question... Are deposits refundable? posted by Jonas [] on Wednesday, May 08, 2013 at 00:47:04 :
The buyer has'nt asked me for his deposit back... yet, though I am anticipating it.
But, what is the point of a deposit if its refundable?
From my perspective as a buyer I give someone a deposit on a item because I am sure of its condition (or it's an acceptable risk if I cant see it in person), I am sure I want it and I need time to make arrangements to pick it up and pay for the item in cash. The deposit secures me as the buyer and at the negotiated price. This also lets the seller know that I want it because I now have "skin in the game" in the form of the deposit and that if I back out I lose it.
The issues the buyer has on the trailer are really not my problem are they? His Father who came to get the trailer for him said that "he is really busy with his job and does not have time to restore a vintage trailer right now" as the main reason he is backing out. (He does ecological inspection on oil pipelines up in Alberta.)
Now if the item was mis-represented or something happend to it in the time between the recipt of the deposit and the actuall pick up date (tree falls on it.. etc) I would say that there are grounds for a deposit refund in full or part. But getting cold feet does not seem to be grounds for a deposit refund.
Besides, the money I got for deposit was spent the day after I got it. I in a round about way spent the rest of the money that I was supposed to be getting on the purchase of Randy's M601. ("Sure we can afford it honey... besides, I'm going to be getting all that cash at the end of the month when the guy from Canada comes to pick up his trailer, so it's no problem...")
Is this unreasonable?
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