Posted by Dozerman51 [] on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 21:27:10 :
In Reply to: no you probably saw posted by clueless [] on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 19:39:27 :
Hi Kaegi@Clueless,
What I see when looking at a spare 1/2 ton differential case I have is the CC#856853 and what looks like the Dana double triangle trade mark but the triangle points are vertical instead of horizontal like the Dana trademark, there is also a "C" cast into the mark. I guess this through me into thinking it was a Dana trademark . As I said, I have been wrong before oh well, time to suck it up and move on. LOL. Thanks everyone for a great discussion on this topic that I started. I have gained knowledge which I didn't have before which is much appreciated.