Posted by Paul Cook in Kempner, Texas [] on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 13:17:43 :
The 21st Annual Texas Power Wagon Reunion will be held this coming weekend. Click on the Kempner Power Wagon Museum link for details.
If you are only just thinking about a Power Wagon, or if you have a nicely restored truck, this is the place to exchange information. If you don’t have a truck, or if your truck isn’t finished, come anyway. You will meet some great folks who will invite you to go with them on the trail rides.
Also, it’s a great place to buy or swap parts. Post what you are looking for. Maybe there’s someone who has the very part you have been looking for and they can bring it to the Reunion with them. If you have parts you don’t need, here’s a chance to find them a new home.
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