Posted by Alex J [] on Monday, April 01, 2013 at 14:06:12 :
In Reply to: How much force did it take posted by Bruce in BC [] on Monday, April 01, 2013 at 12:43:51 :
Torched the plug welds out and used a 1/2" dia air burr bit with a milling end on it to finish cutting the slag out until I knew I was into the tube material. That plug weld material is some HARD stuff. Then let it soak in penetrant for a few days.. Applied some heat around the castings and tapped/hit on it with a decent sized hammer. Let it cool and soak again. After that I used a 30 ton mini ram to press the tubes out from the inside. I was worried about hurting cast Dana 60 section as a friend wanted to use it so I certainly never loaded the mini-ram to where I was "wincing" while waiting for a pop or something. I'd say on "arm" dyno... I was pushing at 60% of ram capacity, so 18-20 tons of force. Once they started moving though they really started moving.