Posted by junoir copey [] on Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 10:36:04 :
In Reply to: Employee retireing OT posted by The Dodge Boys [] on Friday, March 22, 2013 at 21:35:32 :
Up here in the north ,retirement isnt a option.Now our government says there is NO manitory retirement age !You can work even when you physicaly cant,supports will be provided to assist at work even if your ninety and need help with your diapers at work . Reason being the cost of living is well ahead of most pensions and the government realizes his big time .
The magic number 25 years ago the magic number was a Thousand $ house insurance $ car insurance $ taxes $ heat $ communicationn devices $ .Having just completed this years income tax and the magic number is now $3000. But we are told inflation hasnt gone above 2% but 2% cent compounded over twenty five years well you do the math .Retirement is just a dream now for 70 percent of Canadians that wont be able to afford heat and accomodations .
Good luck to the Dodge Boys and your man in his retirement .Nice to here of such a long lasting employee ,emp[loyer relationship junoir copey