Posted by Frank USMC [] on Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 08:25:11 :
In Reply to: Employee retireing OT posted by The Dodge Boys [] on Friday, March 22, 2013 at 21:35:32 :
I have given out rifles as gifts. You can get a small brass plaque to put on the butt stock that would have his name, a comment, and the years he worked for you. The brass plaque can be made at any trophy shop. The rifle would look great on the wall. I always picked up a surplus rifle as I was dealing mainly with the military.
Get an airplane to get a photo of your shop from the air. Get all the employees and folks who knew him to sign it. Put it in a nice frame.
If he is going to kick back, relax, and enjoy retirement, get him a very nice rocking chair, and again, just put a brass plaque on it.
One of the few, Frank USMC RET