Posted by Hemimech [] on Friday, February 08, 2013 at 23:32:36 :
In Reply to: Update: Still missing after a plug change (another large image) posted by Will (in IL) [] on Friday, February 08, 2013 at 19:55:36 :
Ignition droping out while fuel continues to spray will obviously send O2 rich. I would try driving the Jeep with the current high output ignition coil until it was warm enough to start missing. Then promptly swap in the original coil & see if the miss goes away for a while. The coil might be overheating & breaking down. This can be caused by (a)extended dwell, improperly set points or a defective pick up coil. (b)coil primary cable with high resistance, check ohm's to a similar length ignition cable. (c) to high of input voltage on primary side...think ballast resistor. (d)distributor cap center conductor defective...check resistance.
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