Posted by Tim Holloway in VT [] on Tuesday, February 05, 2013 at 20:58:34 :
In Reply to: Re: re: transfer case bolts posted by Tim H. in NY [] on Tuesday, February 05, 2013 at 20:37:53 :
Hi Tim,
Interesting. Where did you mount the support rod(s)on yours?
When I first "finished" my repower, I had installed a poly 318 with an NP-540 that had been mated to the engine. It is a longer than stock tranny, so made my intermediate shaft angle very steep. Others who had done the same swap assured me it would work. First test drive, a vibration, and a growl that I swore was from the transmission. I dropped the tranny, replaced all of the bearings and put it back in. Test drove it, no change. I then figured it was coming from the transfer case. I dropped it, and installed another one while I rebuilt the original. The replacement one didnt change the vibes or noise. Pulled it and put in the rebuilt TC, again no change. Next came the rear diff, all new bearings, and ring and pinion. Again no change. Getting rather frustrated by now. Swapped some parts to Dennis Sherman for a BRAND NEW NP-435 tranny. Installed that, thinking that perhaps getting the angle on the intermediate shaft shallower would help. Again, no difference. Getting really frustrated by then. At that point, it was suggested I check the driveline angles. Hmmm, no mention on Rays site about this. I checked, and low and behold, they were all over the place. Using the rear diff as a base line, I rolled the transfer case and dropped the rear of the engine (New custom rear mounts)and took it for a drive, smooth as silk, and no more growls. I do not mind having rebuilt the other components, as I know they are all good, but did find it baffling that with all the talk of repowering, there is very little mention of the driveline angles.
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