Posted by ranglin on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 1:26PM :
I just received the build card for my 1947 Dodge One-Ton 2-wheel drive WD-20 from the Chrysler Historical Collection. I am having trouble intrepreting the various codes which it contains. Anyone familiar with these codes?
Ship A = 3 (Not sure what "Ship A" means)
Wheels = 1
Rear Tires = 19
Front Tires = 19
Color = 2
Trac.Ro. = 7 (Not sure what "Trac.Ro." means)
Transmission = 2
Oil Filter = 5
On a related note, I discovered that the truck has the original 230 engine. I had previously learned that the engine block manufacture date is cast into the side of the block below the distributor. My block reads "848" which I intrepreted as August 1948. However the truck was built (and engine installed) on January 30, 1947. I suppose that the "848" could actually be "846" but it sure doesn't look like it.
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