Posted by Jackson Reimund on Friday, April 27, 2001 at 3:21AM :
In Reply to: The engine in my newly aquired 53 B-3 posted by Allen Patnode on Thursday, April 26, 2001 at 7:52PM :
Plymouth 218" cid...... If it's a good motor go ahead and run it. Slightly less HP at stock configurations but the torque comes in at a lower RPM for off road and will run much smoother at highway speeds. Should gain a few extra MPH and miles per gallon. Plenty enough torque in low ranges to break axles. If you want to boost up the engine specks a bit go ahead and mill the head a little and up the cam performance slightly. Balance it as well, add a little tweaking and you will have a sweet hummer.
I ran a Plymouth 218 in my M-37 for its' hardest 14 years. Would cruse at 57-60 MPH all stock and get 14+ MPG. Went on latter to a 237" long block which has an even shorter stroke. I also added an 11" clutch and it runs even stronger with the same MPH/MPG performance. Don't short cut these short stroke motors. They have a lot going for them.
"Keep Rolling", ... Jackson
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