Posted by Paul(in NY) [] on Monday, February 04, 2013 at 12:42:15 :
In Reply to: Windshield Frame? posted by Sterling [] on Monday, February 04, 2013 at 11:53:22 :
Here is the deal that usually works on any rusted fastener. Loose the propane torch !
With a oxy/fuel gas torch heat the fastener hot, but not hot enough to change color. Then touch the fastener with a candle. If the was buirst into flame, its to hot. Let it cool a tad and hit it with the candle again. Then give it s try. You might need to reheat and a little more candle wax.
The wax melts and flows into the threads that are rusted and frees it up and also provides lube to remove.
Your going to be very sorry you cut the tape.
They are not easy to find and in my opinion very costly in good condition. Brute force, whether working on a Corvette or PW usually costs you money.