Posted by Marty [] on Sunday, January 06, 2013 at 15:33:04 :
In Reply to: 1992 dodge cummins posted by mannyc [] on Sunday, January 06, 2013 at 14:58:52 :
Manny, I can send you a pic tomorrow of my chassis I stripped...the engine tank & fuel lines still installed but no body. The fuel lines are plastic & there are 2 lines...fuel line runs from the tank to the mechanical lift pump on the LH side of the engine above the starter. Then there's a return line that comes around the rear of the engine & connects to another smaller plastic line that also runs to your fuel tank.
If the smaller return line is symptoms other than a mess. If the fuel line is'll be getting air in your system & experience hard starting or possibly not starting at all.
The return line has some new fangled speed connectors & I think maybe the fuel line does as well...I'll have to look tomorrow..just can't recall.
What exactly are your symptoms?
You were saying the other day you were leaking fuel...did you find where it was coming from?
I probably have a spare manual I can send you.
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