Primer paints

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Posted by Bruce in BC [] on Saturday, December 22, 2012 at 19:35:43 :

Epoxy paint makes for a decent primer because it can actually cross link with the metal molecules . This was an issue when welding prepainted oil line pipe , not only did you need to grind the paint off you needed to grind off some metal too .
That said not all epoxy paint is primer nor does all epoxy paint stick well to metal . Some of the industrial epoxy needs to go on blasted white metal to stick . Flat clean cold rolled - some epoxy will peel right off .
As to other primers , some have acid in them , some do not .
If you have your parts phosphated never use a acid primer . Epoxy needs a top coat - some epoxies do allow a certain amount of water to pass through .
I no longer apply filler to bare metal . I metal finish as far as I want to then lay in the epoxy . Filler goes on top . Last PPG article I bothered reading says to do the same thing . Once your work is done you then shoot another coat of epoxy as a sealer .

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