Re: Absolutely believable.

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Posted by rick pacholski [] on Saturday, December 15, 2012 at 06:44:48 :

In Reply to: Unbelievable. posted by Jonas [] on Friday, December 14, 2012 at 13:28:24 :

Times get tough, people stop paying attention to others. Feelings (God I hate that word) get bruised and someone dies. Hmm. All that means is that the average psyche is becoming pretty fragile. Now, in this age of exaggerated self-esteem, egos are even more brittle and susceptible to fracture. Add a little mental instability and you have a recipe for disaster and chaos. It is now when the emotion-ridden are to be soothingly shown the chair and for the rational deal with the situation. OH, and last night, Fox News aired an interesting statistic. FBI crime stats show this type of crime is happening with LESS frequency. Also, CT has some of the strictest gun laws on record. Ignore the whiners and crazies who are calling for confiscation. I don't trust this regime at all. That is why the Second Amendment. An unarmed citizenry is vulnerable to all sorts of oppression and mayhem. Just ask any New Yorker. To birdog: I would die with a weapon in my hand to protect your right to say what you think. Think about that before you respond.

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