Posted by Matt Wilson [] on Monday, December 03, 2012 at 21:55:57 :
In Reply to: Re: I see casting #s in description. posted by Chris Case [] on Sunday, December 02, 2012 at 19:12:51 :
I had a head of mine milled last year, just a few thousandths (0.006 - 0.008" according to the machine shop). Prior to that, I cc'd the combustion chambers and found that they were about 95 cc's. Casting # on the head appears to be 132 136-1. I say "appears to be" because in between the 132 and the 136 is what seems to be a blank where another character would go. It looks like that blank could be either a blank, or it could be 0, an 8 or even a 6.
Right above the casting number are big letters DT.
I just now went out and measured the thickness of the head in a couple of places and came up with about 1.920". The actual measurements were in the range of 1.925 - 1.928", but the head is painted, so I figure that adds several thousandths. Of course, each measurement is from the flat underside of the head, where it mates with the head gasket, to a flat on the top side, where a bolt head would sit.
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