Posted by MAR-K [] on Thursday, November 15, 2012 at 10:49:37 :
MAR-K is showing their thanks to all their great customers with 10% off on restoration & custom parts - Made in Oklahoma City USA
Offer good now through 11/30/12
Get 10% OFF ON PARTS by using this c
ode when
ordering online or when you call in your order: THANKS123
You can even use the 10% off code on our Overstocked/Discontinued items!
Get FREE TRUCK FREIGHT when buying bedsides by using: FREEFRT1
(Free freight offer only valid on orders over $1,000.00 that include bedsides)
Order online at,
call 405-721-7945 or fax your order to 405-721-8906
10% codes cannot be combined for a greater discount or combined with the free truck freight offer.
10% savings does not apply to custom orders (custom bed strips, custom bed wood, bed side upgrades, etc), gift certificates, or items on layaway.
Offers not available to dealers/jobbers.
Shipping specials do not apply to Canada or orders outside the continental US.
Please pass this on to anyone you know who wants MAR-K Quality Parts - MADE IN OKC, USA!