Posted by Mike Hernke [] on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 10:29:15 :
In Reply to: Running a 4bt posted by Bruce in BC [] on Monday, November 12, 2012 at 17:24:03 :
My conversion says -15 C is about 5 F without any grid heater or anything mine will start to about 10 F and I have never had a fuel problem. I would add some fuel additive (I use power service) and look into a 6 bt grid heater. I know it is kind of frowned upon but at 10 I sprayed about 1 second of starting fluid onto the filter and it started and ran fine . Since then I have found that pushing the accelerater will help on another diesel I own so maybe mine would have started without ether? Also keep good batteries with large cables makes a world of difference.