Re: nobody is whining

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Posted by clueless [] on Friday, November 09, 2012 at 07:58:30 :

In Reply to: nobody is whining posted by Don Williams [] on Thursday, November 08, 2012 at 20:54:58 :

then you should know the federal reserve bank of new york is the root problem(unconstitutional private stock holders and is illegal) it was chartered in 1913 for 99 years so the charter is up, not one politician, media commentator mentions this cuz they all work for the same thugs who killed linkcon jackson and kennedy all for the same reason as they wanted to put the issuance on currency back to the treasury

this is what are forefathers fought against and beat when they wrote the constitution but the same taxation thugs they left Europe from to set up a free nation slithered in and bought the politicians and took control

apparently i am the only one on the planet that knows this but how can that be and i remember it from my history books and further study

we really don't have to put up with it but nobody knows any better

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