Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 at 23:07:25 :
In Reply to: Re: dems had 8 years of bush -OT posted by Don Williams [] on Wednesday, November 07, 2012 at 21:47:21 :
There was some Frenchman who came to the US shortly after the American Revolution and went back and wrote about what he saw. Don't remember his name. He was kind of European snob and wrote that Democracy will never work because eventually the people will figure out there's no limit to how much money they can vote themselves from the public treasury and then the whole thing will collapse. It took longer than he thought, but it looks like the people finally figured it out.
Of course the man who runs for president promising to balance the budget by seriously cutting the federal budget in the areas that amount to real money (social security, medicare, and the military), and raise taxes on everyone (not just those people over there) will never even get nominated, much less elected.
The Democrats need to accept cuts to entitlements, and also tax increases that get us back to where most working people DO pay some income tax. The Republicans need to accept meaningful cuts to the military (a good start would be to stop buying weapons systems that the generals don't want and can't use) and also tax increases that effect everyone including the rich. Both parties need to stop pretending that a couple of silly little penny-ante programs like the mohair subsidy or Sesame Street amount to a hill of beans in budgetary terms.
Of course this will never happen, so we will keep getting borrow-and-spend government with Obama as the President of Patronage until the rest of the world decides to quit lending us money. Even that won't be the end, because the Fed will just keep printing money (buying Treasury notes with money that it doesn't have), until our currency is on a par with Zimbabwe's.
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