Posted by jeremy [] on Friday, November 02, 2012 at 09:32:31 :
In Reply to: Re: Fox has the News posted by Joe in NH [] on Friday, November 02, 2012 at 08:57:31 :
Wouldn't that be the "thrill factor?"
I quit paying close attention to modern commercial news broadcasts when the local folks did a story on hepatitis C and referred to it as a "fatal" condition. I wrote to them and explained that I had survived, and even wholly defeated, the virus. Yes, I was one of the first documented cases. Did they follow up? No, they defended their position of near-total ignorance. I understand that they are watched. The fear-mongering is a mechanism tio generate audience that, in turn, generates advertisement revenue. Plain and simple, it's the same basic shock factor recipe as Howard Stern less the "humor."
That's my 2c, but this thread is getting off topic. The modernized Power Wagons are probably a whole lot of fun for those who can afford them. But I don't think that a Jeep scrambler can hold a candle to a stock Power Wagon.