crispy hands

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Posted by JET [] on Friday, October 05, 2012 at 21:56:48 :

So, I went to the forum for some feedback on adjusting the tappets on my '50 FFPW. OK, adjusting hot is a pain in the hands, and having big hands...well, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout...the backs of my hands are scared for life!!! Then, my wife came out to the garage, (fine place for her to be) holding a pair of "OVGLOVES". Now those things really work, no more knuckle-burnin', and still couldn't get the ticking out. One book says 0.009I-0.011E. Another book (The Power Wagon Bible) says 0.012I-0.014E...HOT!!!!!Yes. So, where should I go with the clearences, and, OH, by the way, if you take the fender & splash guard off, there are only 7 bolts,it makes process much easier...of course,the tire as well. I do, however, suggest not jackin' to high, as there could be the chance that the entire front cowling will shift out of square with the cab,and trust me,you don't want to have to adjust that as well. You'll need a 7/16 & 1/2 & a 9/16 open end wrench,preferably 9-1/2" long, 1/2" deep socket, a 9/16 deep socket, and maybe some colbeer for when you are tired, and worn out from the bending to see under the intake/exhaust manifolds,and a good flash light or shop lamp. And for all you guys that are lookin' for cold weather to move in, just send me some, it's just plain HOT down here on the third coast, South Texas. And I didn't video the ordeal...too much fowl lingo. JET

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