Posted by Mitch on Wednesday, April 04, 2001 at 10:45AM :
I found the casting number on my tranny. It was at the top right side between the 4x4 levers and the floor board area. It read C-38711. Just as you said it was. It was the only place on the tranny that had not been cleaned. I found a pto from a 46 PW that has a dual sided spline for front and back use. The guy told me it will fit with a .250" spacer to be added at the mounting hole. Is this what you think also? I tried to find a 2 gear with that casting number you gave me from Muncie Power Products (one of 2 pto makers left in America) and they need a tooth count to find a correct match. I asked how much the new one would cost and they said close to 1200.00. Ahhhhh! Way too much! Plus the fact they do not have a dual spline nor the 2 gear for forward and reverse. Thanks again for your help!
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