Posted by Kaegi [] on Friday, September 21, 2012 at 23:28:45 :
In Reply to: Re: Re The 1965 W300 Dually NJ. FD Truck posted by John B [] on Friday, September 21, 2012 at 22:22:20 :
the early 318 that some call "wide bock" has a cylinder head designed with a polyshperical combustion chamber. simila to a hemi or hemispherical chamber. it was developed in the 50s as a cost saving measure to the hemihead which is much larger and heavier than the poly head. The 318 poly does not have a wider block. in fact, the bottom end is exactly the same as the later LA or small block 318. the poly was used until 1967 then phased out. most 67s have the small block of LA 318 most are familiar with. the poly has a wider torque band than the LA. the LA breathes a little better at really high RPMs according to some flow bench tests I read.
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