Posted by clueless [] on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 12:41:36 :
In Reply to: Dave--re--If I find a WC rear posted by clueless [] on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 11:03:51 :
in front of the restaurnt while having breakfast I notice it was 5 lug--looked the same as the ff but upon further study it is a bigger diameter pattern
however i checked the distance between the tires on the dual wheels on the 750 x 16 it was running------only half and inch between tires
back in the day my pw guru told me you only had to burn 1|8 in. off the drum to get duals to work which would probably give you plus or minus half an inch between tires, which means you would only have to move the centers out plus or minus 11\4 in.