Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Thursday, September 13, 2012 at 21:04:44 :
In Reply to: Recreatives Max II Amphibious 6x6 $2,900 [NE] posted by Photo Classifieds [] on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at 20:00:59 :
They're probably good swamp buggies, but the 8-wheel deluxe Argo I tried was no good in the snow. Even with the "snow tracks" on it, it got bogged down quickly and just wallowed around on its belly. Threw lots of snow all over the place and made a lot of noise, though. As I recall the salesman wanted $15K for it new 10 years ago. Unsurprisingly, the company that makes Argos mainly makes sprockets and chain drives. Got a Tucker for less than half that and haven't looked back. All those things have in the way of a "cab" is sort of a canvas tent, and of course there's nothing even vaguely resembling a heater, not that the Tucker heater does a lot of good in an uninsulated aluminum can. It at least reduces the windshield fogging and keeps the passenger's feet warm, though.