Posted by Dave [] on Sunday, August 19, 2012 at 00:09:40 :
In Reply to: OT: Accelerator stuck up arse posted by Gary in CO [] on Saturday, August 18, 2012 at 23:06:04 :
Gary, I pulled a dummy out of a ditch a couple of winters ago, when I got him out he said, man, somthings happened to my steering when I ran off the road, the wheel is locked up and wont turn!!! yea, you've already guessed it, I took this geo out of a ditch almost sideways with the wheels turned the wrong way, the dummys dressed in houseshoes and flannel pajamas, it's 17 degrees out, I figured what ever damage my FFPW did to his crummey little car he needed to wake him up!!! when I asked if he remembered to take it out of park, he got this sheepish look on his face and said no, without saying another word I got back in my power wagon and left. as the saying goes, there isn't a cure for stupid. Dave.
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