Posted by Daryl in Oz [] on Friday, August 17, 2012 at 18:24:45 :
In Reply to: Trouble in Power Wagon Land posted by Bill in Pa. [] on Friday, August 17, 2012 at 12:31:07 :
Couple things to check. 1.Does the mount sit squarely against the front of the block? 2. Are the casting areas where the holes are machined flat? 3. Any sign of stretching where the bolts failed? 4. Did you use spring washers and if so did they fail? Seems to me there must have been some stress related movement or a sudden shock load, but if the bolts were good you would smash the casting with that sort of load. I would source some good quality grade 5 bolts, good washers and torque them properly. Next look at the trans mount to see if everything is OK there, if so try again.