Posted by Jonas [] on Friday, August 17, 2012 at 02:12:29 :
I was on the initial attack. I got on a structure engine with 2 other volunteers and we just went to work through the afternoon, into the night and till we got relieved the next morning. I got sent out to highway 10 (origin) for structure protection. Went from house to house and did what we could. Every house we went to was saved with the exception of one manufactured home, and one open machine shed. One area we went through 30,000 gallons of water to protect ourselves and 2 residences. Fire jumped the river. We almost got trapped up a box canyon. One of our sister trucks did get trapped on the other flank and called in a rotor to drop water on them. A road I drive on just about everyday I had no idea where I was at at one point because there were no visual references. Everything was just burned or on fire. Had to roll up the windows on the engine to drive through flames. An apocalyptic scene.
I must say, I am overwhelmed by the benevolence, and charity of our community and the Pacific Northwest region to the people who have lost so much in this devastating event.
I am also very proud of the selflessness, dedication, and professionalism of my fellow volunteer firefighters. I am honored to have them as neighbors and friends.
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