Posted by Keith in Washington [] on Saturday, August 04, 2012 at 18:41:59 :
In Reply to: Tracking information 2011 dodge posted by junoir copey [] on Friday, August 03, 2012 at 22:11:17 :
They all have blck boxes that track vehicle performance and how you drive it. They look at speed throttle position and much more. The are starting to use that information to deny warrantee claims and etc. the are also using that information in court to give a better idea what really happened in a wreck.
If you have a navigation system it tracks where you have been and stores the information. Again this can be used by many people for different things.
Your movements are known and monitored by many. If you have a smart phone with Facebook they track everything you do and where you go. They use it and sell it to advertisers. You need to set your location services to off for all applications on your phone. Then turn on only those specific apps such as maps on an IPhone if you eat to use Google maps. It is best to keep it all turned off and only turn it on when you specifically need it.