Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Saturday, August 04, 2012 at 15:48:44 :
After all these years living in the Coeur d'Alenes, I finally went to the mining contest in Gene Day park. It's like a 4-ring circus. They have jackleg drilling, hand mucking, machine mucking, and spike driving all going on at the same time. Probably 20 or 30 guys signed up for each event, and some meaningful prize money. Everybody knows about rodeos, and at least on the coast everyone used to know about the "logger rodeos" with events like hand bucking with crosscut saw and with axe, high climbing, cable splicing, and log rolling, but until I moved here I never even knew they had mining contests. They ought to put it on TV. It'd be better than half the stuff on there.
Sorry, no Dodges involved. Just Ingersolls and Eimcos.
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