Posted by Ron in Indiana [] on Friday, July 20, 2012 at 17:24:39 :
In Reply to: Ron posted by Paul(in NY) [] on Friday, July 20, 2012 at 17:13:24 :
It's like POR 15 just remove any loose scale or rust. The directions say if you have a smooth surface as in new metal to blast it first to give it a tooth. Any painted surface should be sanded with 80 grit as I did on this frame that still had factory paint. That paint came right off with a DA sander. I wore my painters suit and latex gloves with brown jersey gloves over the latex. It's a pain to brush it but better than dealing with cleaning a gun and dealing with over spray. It turned out well in the satin finish I used. The job took 4 hours of painting time not counting prep.