Posted by Kaegi [] on Monday, July 02, 2012 at 19:58:39 :
In Reply to: Re: i don't see why not posted by gmharris [] on Sunday, July 01, 2012 at 14:26:50 :
the frames are not that weak. they are designed from completley different view of purpose. the frames on WCs and PWs are designed to flex alot that is why they have no gussets or welds. the body is spring loaded so it came come away from the flexing frame when offroad. all the give is in the frame and none in the springs. it is flexible not weak. I have carried almost 3 ton loads in trucks that were abused for decades with heavy loads and they were in good shape frame wise anyway. it results in more articulation than almost any stock rig on the road. modern vehicles are designed with rigid frames and all the give is in the springs. totally different animals.