Posted by Keith in Washington [] on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 12:13:11 :
In Reply to: OT - 99 Durango rear brakes issue posted by AAA [] on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 10:21:34 :
Couple of comments.
Are the drums the correct ones? Check their inner diameter.
Check the new shoes. I have seen a couple of cases where the lining was too thick. Do the shoes fit the arc of the drum if you place the loose shoes in the drum.
My gut feeling is that either something is hung up or not quite installed correctly. Make sure that the star adjuster is all the way in and that the shoes are really set in their opperating position. If everything is setup correctly I would really suspect the shoes or drum and more so the shoes are not the correct ones or are out of tollerance.
I would not have the shoes arched or the drums turned. They should fit initially without that if both drum and shoes are new.