Posted by Doug Cartwright [] on Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 11:28:49 :
In Reply to: Well, what do we have here? posted by Tom in Indiana [] on Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 06:23:27 :
There were two kinds of 435s. One with the 4.**to 1 ratio first and one with the 6.** to 1 ratio. The 4.** to 1 ratio tranny was extra cost equept. for 65-68 D/W 100-200 trucks.You want to stay away from this tranny for your application.The 6.** ratio was standard in all years and models used.So if you are looking at trannysfrom pickups,put it in first gear and count turns.@4and a half is bad.@6and a half is good. In medium duty trucks the 435s are all wide ratio so there is no wories there,but they use a larger 1 3/8" input,no biggie,just use the 12 inch clutch from the med duty truck.I do have a 318 hydro bell up for grabs,$25 plus (what will likely be $50 shipping) but no flywheel,as Glen got that.Your best bet is to find a donor truck. It might be helpful to put out a parts wanted post on Norms site(Dodge Scotts site ( can reach me at 2o8 285 3672 if I can help.