Posted by clueless [] on Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 12:33:13 :
In Reply to: Re: banjo bolt revisisted not to mention gameplan posted by jay massy [] on Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 11:11:00 :
that could very well be the problem
now that you mention it the whole time I was doing this i kept having deshavuusss that i had seen this movie before, probably when I was doing a brake job on the 47 wdx back in the mid 70īs or maybe it was on the 67 wm in the early 80īs, all kinda foggy now
the bearing cap bolt was rubbing arms with the hose fitting until the last few turns luckily so then I could tell how much I was snugging it up
question is now can I get a brake line wrench on the fitting to get it out of the way so I can torque the bolt down and then bleed the brakes again
maybe the good news is someone replaced the cylinders!!!!!!!!!
the master cylinder also appears to be a replacement
but that all could have been 30 years ago
the owner said he did a brake job, maybe I should call him and try to get some details when and how much of a job he did, the booster is also and after thought, and may have a copper line going to the mc and it is of thicker tubing than the rest of the lines question is did the road crew that used it to oil highways do that or did my seller who used it to water his ranch road twice a year do it
said he put about 4 miles a year on it at about 10 mph for 30 years