Re: Towing Capacity?

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Posted by mac from Texas [] on Thursday, May 03, 2012 at 12:54:35 :

In Reply to: Towing Capacity? posted by CSCameron [] on Wednesday, May 02, 2012 at 16:27:49 :

You should buy a new truck as a power wagon is inadequate for anything but the back of a trailer or a show or off roading or light use and the only apparent place they should be driven is on a highway forget a country road. A decent horse trailer will have modern electric brakes and should do most of its own stopping with a good brake controler the brakes on the truck will stop if set up correctly but not as quickly as modern disk brakes and the poor 230 that is uesless and is still pushing my truck down the road since the day it was built in 46 would be better served as a 6 bt or 318 like that will ever happen not dont be afraid to use it just remember what you are driving I am in my 13 year of ownership and am constantly amazed at how well it still does modern tasks I have to make allowances for power driving conditions and traffic I live in DFW and traffic here is around 5,000,000.00 People more or less most living in two counties. PW contenrt I drove my PW over to friends last night across town on a highway in the evening with a 230 and 583s no turns pulled a ditch witch stuck in saturated ground more or less rolled to one side . Pulled it out winched it over on its tracks , amazed the neighbor hood got dinner bought for me and drove hove via the city streets as I do try to stay off the interstates after dark if possible. My 2 cents

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