Posted by Bruce in BC [] on Tuesday, May 01, 2012 at 20:50:07 :
I was just plain "special " Went out for lots of special tests , had my own time out , one on one with a special teacher , this was to give the poor regular teacher a break .
A few years after our son was born and he finally was diagnosed as Autistic my wife tried to get my old records from the school system . She found everything but the "Special tests " but the hillarious part was my marks and what my wife found while digging through the records
"um do you know you never graduated ? " gee the school system forgot to tell my folks , I wonder why .
" um , do you know your average mark was a C- ? " Yes dear , and I worked hard to get even that .
and burried away in an envelope was the results of numerous IQ tests which were just a tad higher than even my brilliant wife would have given me credit for ......
" That can not be right "
So yah , once you have been in a Special class you can use the term however you wish too .
I missed out on the "special " bus . Which is what I would put on a PW bus if I had one , cause they are SOOoo cool they are SPECIAL .
and thanks for explaining about your side of Special . Gives us an idea of what makes some of us PW guys tick.
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