Posted by chriscase [] on Monday, April 30, 2012 at 20:40:03 :
In Reply to: Re: Aww, that's 'Special' nm posted by JET [] on Monday, April 30, 2012 at 12:14:12 :
The gist of my comment is the use of 'special' to mean retarded or slow, or stupid. Hence my comment. When special used to mean better than normal, now it is used to mean otherwise.
That all said, I was in 'special ed gym class' before they called it that. We were called PF-ers. Physical Fitness class, with the emphasis on basic motion stuff. Calisthenics etc. No soccer or softball for us. Other kids were thalidomide babies, retarded, or missing body parts. I had muscle problems. I was one of 'Jerry's Kids", but I didn't get a real diagnosis until I was 50 years old.
I got moved out of that class to regular gym classes when the coach saw me jog one whole period. What he didn't see was me 'peeing blood' after wards. Had he, I would nave been left in the PFers for ever, and had an earlier diagnosis.
"Peeing blood" isn't. It is actually passing myoglobin, the iron from dead muscle cells. It means you have killed muscle cells by overwork for your metabolism. Truckers think it's bruised kidneys bleeding, but it is bruised muscles dying. And, being a sticky protein, it can clot up and clog kidneys. Deadly. But I continued to work as hard as I could my whole life, only having myoblobinuria a couple dozen times. Last time was 6 years ago, pounding out the dents in the bed sides of my 5-window. I guess II over worked my arm muscles. The root of the disease is that my muscle cells have no endurance because they can't burn fat. It's genetic.
Gosh, I'm special. ;^)
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