Posted by D Sherman [] on Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 19:55:14 :
In Reply to: 6 volt positive ground to 12 volt negative ground posted by Scott Lane [] on Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 19:41:31 :
Should work. Some say polarity matters on a spark coil, but I'm not sure it really does. Either way it's easy enough to swap the wires at the coil. Ballast should be between switch and coil, not between coil and dist. For test purposes, if it doesn't start right up, bypass the ballast resistor. I've had a couple rigs that didn't want to start in cold weather unless I bypassed the ballast resistor. That's what the extra terminal on a Ford starter relay does. Risk is overheating the coil, but for test purposes it shouldn't be on long enough to cause a problem. It sounds like you're disconnecting the charging system, so the conversion issues there can wait till later.
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