Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at 12:52:53 :
In Reply to: Re: Junior it was a sauerkraut jar lid posted by mikey stone [] on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at 12:39:16 :
Ooh. Sauerkeaut. Makes all the difference in the world..... ;^)
In all fairness though maybe we should be comparing $200.00 plus tires to a $500.00 plus radiator - not to a $3.00 jar lid. And then compare the $3.00 jar lid to a $22.00 radiator cap rather than to $200.00 tires.
So, if I loose the jar lid off my Seinfeld cucumbers, is it okay to use a Power-Wagon radiator cap in its place? I can't find a pif on Seinfeld's site.
Okay. I'm done yanking your chain for today Mike. Still time to make Rally plans while gas is still inexpensive.