Posted by Mark in NJ [] on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 16:14:22 :
In Reply to: Got pulled over by the Police in the M37 last night! posted by Tim Holloway [] on Sunday, March 18, 2012 at 09:09:04 :
I have tooooooo many pullover stories to list. Wait for the book to come out.
Questioning and running info IS rountine and often handcuffing for the cops safety has also become acceptable and IS legal.
What used to be, "Hey, turn your light on", has become the number one way to gather info and or to lock people up. Whether deserved or not.
He did have a justified reason to stop you. He should be able to figure out by looking at your paperwork that it could have ended there.
America's Most Wanted-a citizen with a Drivers Licence!!
Mark in NJ