Posted by Caleb (Kansas City) [] on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 at 19:13:47 :
Well, I have done alot of thinking about the whole situation with the baby on the way and a full stable of vehicles in the shop. I have decided that it would be a good idea to sell my WC in order to bring the Carryall to life. It has really pained me to think about it, but the WC isn't such a family friendly vehicle at the moment and the Carryall would easily be, just a whole lot more work to put together. To the point, I am going to work on selling it only half heartedly, so I am going to make it well worth my time. Many of you have seen it in person so do you think $10k is a reasonable price to start? Or am I way off base considering the powertrain and the fact that 80% of the body is not original.
Beat on me a bit, I need an excuse to keep it and push the other build off for awhile. There is a link to my local CL post here...
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