Posted by Nick [] on Saturday, February 04, 2012 at 21:34:45 :
Either you jinxed me or something! LOL
I got the doors lined up pretty good, figured Id install some door glass. Passenger door everything went in good, but I screwed up the glass run, that I asked about in the other post.
So I figured Id give the drivers door a shot....YEAH YEAH YEAH I know, theres no difference between the runs for the drivers and passenger. But I kinda figured out the bending of the run, and since I screwed up the other one so bad Ill haft buy another, thought Id try the driver.
Anyway, I got it bent perfect. Got the wing in, screwed it in, got the glass and regulator in, got everything in and all lined up........ WAY WAY WAY TIGHT! Wont roll up or down.
So I see what you mean now of the new stuff. Im wondering if I can take the glass out and bring it back to the glass shop and have them sand a little off the width to allow the space between the door run and the intermediate wing vent run....
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