Posted by junoir copey [] on Sunday, January 29, 2012 at 11:37:21 :
Today went to blow snow out of the driveway.Took a stick and whacked to uplug the block heater on the allis chalmers,fires right up and stream of hydraulic oil goes about five feet.Check out the leak,hyd pump has split open end to end.The tractor with out hydraulics has no steering,shifting or 3 point hitch and is standed at the barn.I go get the case tractor and chain,the case doesnt even get the slack out of the chain before its spinning.I have been looking at the power wagon,to turn it into cash,we dont use it much.I jump in the p/w read the starting instructions.Pops in cold weather rules DONT PUMP THE GAS 2)pull choke out untill you see red mark 3)pull throttle to red mark 4)TURN ON THE KEY MORRON ! 5)push the starter pedal ok.Brooommm it started.Cant remember when it was last started.Warmed it,backed all the way to the barn hooked the chain and could not believe my eyes and ears it just walked away with the ten thousand pound tractor in tow over ice covered snow !In fact to turn the tractor to the shop I skidded the tractor side ways to get it to the door.Tomorrow I will take a mortage and then head to the dealer to see how much they will gouge out of me to get a pump.But I think the power wagon should stay put what a job. junoir copey
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